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還記得這兩款哆啦A夢手機遊戲「哆啦A夢道具大暴走」和「哆啦A夢修理工場」嗎?現在遊戲開發商正式宣布,這兩款手機遊戲將於 11 月 1 日停止營運了!現在仍然能如常遊玩,喜愛這兩款哆啦A夢手遊的你不妨把握這僅剩不久的機會吧!
「哆啦A夢道具大暴走」(Doraemon Gadget Rush)和「哆啦A夢修理工場」(Doraemon Repair Shop)的開發團隊都已在官方臉書專頁發表英文聲明,表示遊戲將自 11 月 1 日起停止營運,並感謝玩家們的支持。聲明中並建議,在遊戲停止營運前使用所有獲得的鈴鐺,而且不要再在遊戲內付費購買道具。
「哆啦A夢道具大暴走」於 2015 年 2 月上線,是一款三消遊戲,於限制時間內將同色、同形狀的鈴鐺(寶珠)串連 3 個以上在一起,即可作出攻擊。值得一提的是,這款遊戲是由香港已故多啦A夢配音演員林保全所配音的,遊玩這款遊戲能夠感受到林保全帶給香港多啦A夢界的集體回憶,粉絲們不妨趁現在還能玩的時候多玩幾次吧!
而「哆啦A夢修理工場」則於 2013 年 11 月上線,有 9 個挑戰等級,能夠加入哆啦A夢與朋友們的行列,共同經營修理工場。
Game Termination Notice
Dear all faithful players,
We regret to inform you that Doraemon Gadget Rush will be terminated from 1 November, 2021.
We recommend you use all of your existing Bells before the termination date, and stop making any in-app purchases.
It has been a wonderful journey, and thank you all for your continued support.
We hope to see you again in our other games.
Best regards,
The development team of Doraemon Gadget Rush
Dear all faithful players,
We regret to inform you that Doraemon Gadget Rush will be terminated from 1 November, 2021.
We recommend you use all of your existing Bells before the termination date, and stop making any in-app purchases.
It has been a wonderful journey, and thank you all for your continued support.
We hope to see you again in our other games.
Best regards,
The development team of Doraemon Gadget Rush
Game Termination Notice
Dear all faithful players,
We regret to inform you that Doraemon Repair Shop will be terminated from 1 November, 2021.
We recommend you use all of your existing Bells and Dorayaki before the termination date, and stop making any in-app purchases.
It has been a wonderful journey, and thank you all for your continued support.
We hope to see you again in our other games.
Best regards,
The development team of Doraemon Repair Shop
Dear all faithful players,
We regret to inform you that Doraemon Repair Shop will be terminated from 1 November, 2021.
We recommend you use all of your existing Bells and Dorayaki before the termination date, and stop making any in-app purchases.
It has been a wonderful journey, and thank you all for your continued support.
We hope to see you again in our other games.
Best regards,
The development team of Doraemon Repair Shop
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