
Doraemon is the most-liked AI robots in Japanese, according to a web survey


(CHINESEDORA.COM) – With AI being more and more popular in recent years, have you thought of which AI anime characters would you want to be friends with? Would it be Doraemon, a robot cat from the 22nd century that uses gadgets from the future or a young robot girl built by a rocket scientist? Let’s have a look at the survey results from a Japanese website to see which character does people want to be friends with the most!

(©Akira Toriyama / Shueisha, Toei Animation)

Number 3 (56 Votes): Arale Norimaki
From the popular manga and anime series Dr Slump, Arale is a robot girl created by the self proclaimed genius scientist named Senbei Norimaki, whom lives as Senbei’s sister in Penguin Village. Not only does she have astounding strengths and durability, she can also split the Earth in half with her own bare hands and remain uninjured when being hit by a car.


Number 2 (76 Votes): Dorami
Similar to her brother Doraemon, Dorami is also a robot cat from the future who not only is more outstanding than his brother, but also more bright when it comes to use of various gadgets. In addition, she also possesses gadgets such as the time machine and her four dimensional pocket with cute and girly flower patterns.


Number 1 (290 Votes) : Doraemon
Sent back to the 20th century by Nobita’s great grandson Sewashi, Doraemon is a gadget cat from the future tasked with changing Nobita’s future, who always uses his gadgets to save Nobita from trouble. Whilst he is currently blue, he was originally yellow and had ears, only to have them bitten off by a mouse, causing his color to change as well due to shock.
Well, it’s no joke that Doraemon still has immense popularity within Japan, with characters from the series taking the top two spots in the survey! Hopefully, with the continuation and advancement of the AI industry, we can see a friendly and lovely robot like Doraemon soon!

This survey was conducted by the Japanese search engine Goo between July 8 and 13, receiving a total of 1072 votes.

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