
“Doraemon the Movie: Nobita’s Earth Symphony” will be released in Japan in March 2024


(CHINESEDORA.COM) –The latest Doraemon movie title has been announced for 2024. The movie is called “Doraemon the Movie: Nobita’s Earth Symphony” and will be released in Japan in March 2024.


The movie will feature music as its main theme and will tell the story of what would happen if all the music on Earth disappeared. Doraemon and his friends will embark on a grand adventure to save the Earth by playing symphonies and meeting new friends along the way.


The director of the movie is Kazuaki Imai, who has directed two previous Doraemon movies, “Treasure Island” and “New Dinosaur”. The scriptwriter is Teruko Utsumi, who has written several scripts for the TV anime series.


The official website for the movie has now opened and is available in Japanese.

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